Race in Economics
Economists and policymakers need a wake-up call to root out racial discrimination
Inequality and macroeconomics
Why rigged capitalism is damaging liberal democracy (September 2019) - Martin Wolf
US China Trade
Straight Talk on Trade (Dec 2017) - Rodrik
Trump Quagmire (Aug 2019) - Krugman
Trump can't have it both ways on China (Aug 2019) - Smith
US-China Trade academics intervention (Nov 2019)
US Monetary and Fiscal Policy
Monetary and Fiscal Polity in the United States 196§ to 2021 - Alan Blinder (Feb 2023)
SA Economic Policy
SA's Finances are in Bad Shape (Aug 2019) - Muller
Electricity prices falling in Australia - The Conversation (Dec 2019)
Business Confidence in SA at 3 decade low - Bloomberg (Jan 2020)
Low growth problem
Whither Central Banking (Aug 2019) - Summers
Japanification of bond markets (Aug 2019) - The Economist
Energy Transition and Climate change
Climate change denial is evil, Mary Robinson - The Guardian (March 2019)
Green Texas - Economist (14 March 2020)
Why growth can be green - Paul Krugman (February 2023)
Political Economy
Economists need to take politics into account - The Economist (Jan 2017)
Role of Economists
Economics for Inclusive Prosperity
Webcast from American Economic Association (Jan 2020)
COVID-19 and Economic Response
After the Disease, the Debt - The Economist (April 2020)
Sandile Dikeni (Nov 2019) - M&G
Ben Turok (Dec 2019) - AfricasaCountry